Meet the Pastoral Team

Craig Moore

Lead Pastor

Craig loves hanging out with his family, golf, softball, biking and laughter; especially being with people when they laugh so hard they cry. He loves to sing and play music to worship God. He is an incurable optimist and it "turns his crank!" to see people's lives transformed when they get connected to God.
His wife, Donna Moore is also a credentialed minister with the A/G and does Prayer Counseling Ministry. Donna really loves family, eating out, and dark chocolate. She is a straight-forward counselor, passionate teacher and student of the Bible who loves helping people find their way through life's issues.
Craig and Donna have been married for over 45 years and have 3 adult children, Caleb (Rachel), Janelle (Jorge), and Carissa and 5 grandkids!

Dennis Daywitt

Kids Pastor

Dennis has been children’s pastoring for 34 years now and enjoys unicycle riding, juggling and creative writing.  Candi has also been in children’s ministries since she was a teenager.  She loves spending quality time with her family, watching a great movie or beading jewelry.  Dennis & Candi met at Trinity Bible College and were married October 21st, 1989.  After 20 years of marriage they finally received their precious daughter Amberly from China.  Amberly is now 14 years old and a freshman in High School.  The family has a 3 year old dog named Hickory and 2 goldfish, Thor & Black Panther.  They have been here at First Assembly since March of 2018.

Matt Bridges

Youth Pastor

Matt has been in  ministry for over 13 years. He enjoys spending time with his family, hunting, football and is an excessive connoisseur of pizza rolls. His favorite thing is  a cool Saturday watching football and drinking a pumpkin spice latte. He is a Licensed Minister with the Assemblies of God. He has been married to his wife, Loren, since 2012 and they have two kids.